Friday, August 30, 2019

Flowers Are Everywhere!

Don't you just love flowers? I LOVE them! Some of them may be poisonous, but they are truly a beautiful sight. I have a neighbor who is in love with flowers. They have lots of them. I have a good focus on my camera, so you can really see detail in the pictures below. I don't know what kind of flowers they are, but they look gorgeous anyway. Please comment any suggestions for pictures that you would like to see. Thanks!

The End of Ilnesses?

Starting today, I will no longer be posting blogs about illnesses, diseases, or just daily pains and aches. Starting in my next blog I will start sharing my photos of friends, plants, and sometimes just random pictures that were taken on my phone. Please comment any plants or random things that you want me to share, as well as questions! Thanks!

Old Photo!

I'm having a little different set-up for my blog today. Anyway, I've found a photo in mu downloads that I don't think I have p...